Today I Spoke at the Allen Institute for Brain Science

Today I gave a talk at the Allen Institute for Brain Science – “Neuroscience in the Year 2100: The View from Science Fiction.”  Much of that, of course, comes from the research and decade-long interest that led to Nexus.

It was an incredible honor for me, as a layperson and neuroscientist-wannabe, to be talking to actual scientists about their field. My goal was to provoke rather than to predict, and to bring in insights, observations, and trends from other fields. The room was packed and people stuck around till the end and beyond asking questions (and sometimes politely disagreeing), so it seems like I did okay.

Big thanks to Christof Koch, who I think has this idea that I did him a favor by coming in, when really, he did me a huge honor with the invitation.

I’ll try to get a readable version of my slides up next week.

Ramez Naam

29 Oct, 2014