Awesome Press for NEXUS – Here’s a Roundup
19 Dec, 2012
Wow. It’s been an awesome few days. I’ve been reading people calling Nexus “Good. Scary good.”, “hell of a read”, “superb”, “brilliant”. Wow! The response to Nexus has been totally amazing. I’m thrilled and honored! Because I’m having a hard time keeping track myself, here’s a…
R e a d M o r eNexus is Here!
18 Dec, 2012
Awesome reviews are coming in today for Nexus: Wired says “Good. Scary good… stop reading now and have a great time reading a bleeding edge technical thriller that is full of surprises.” read the whole thing Cory Doctorow at BoingBoing says “Nexus is a superbly plotted high…
R e a d M o r eNexus: T Minus 7 Days
10 Dec, 2012
Nexus comes out in 7 days. The early reviews are coming in, and so far people seem to like it. Quotes from three of my favorites so far: “A superbly plotted high-tension technothriller … full of delicious, thoughtful moral ambiguity … a hell of a…
R e a d M o r e
Announcing The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet
18 Sep, 2012
“Required reading for all global thinkers and leaders.” – Steven Pinker Can Innovation Save the Planet? Climate Change. Energy. Water. Food. Population. We’re beset by an array of natural resource and environmental challenges. They pose a tremendous risk to human prosperity, to world peace, and to…
R e a d M o r eChina’s Tipping Point on Environment?
29 Jul, 2012
Chinese environmental protesters have won the cancellation of an industrial waste pipeline that would have dumped waste from a paper factory into the ocean near the town of Qidong. This is not the first such victory. The Guardian notes that: The protest followed similar demonstrations against projects in…
R e a d M o r ePricing Nature to Save the Planet
27 Jun, 2012
New Scientist, covering Rio+20, talks about putting a price on the natural world: Green economics, the theory goes, will work by quantifying nature and giving it a cash value. As Steiner put it: “Factoring natural capital into the bottom line will bring the real wealth…
R e a d M o r eIs Automation the Handmaiden of Inequality?
3 May, 2012
In Technology Review, Christopher Mims asks if the increasing automation of US industry has contributed to growing inequality, by bringing its gains to factory owners rather than workers. Here’s how I would interpret the odd coincidence of these two trends: in a perfectly capitalist system,…
R e a d M o r eOne gene helped human brains become complex
3 May, 2012
Two extra copies of the SRGAP2 gene appear to have led to slower human brain development, but denser interconnection between neurons, possibly contributing to our current cognitive abilities. (Total brain interconnectivity correlates moderately well with IQ.) If you want to learn how to take care…
R e a d M o r eChina now consumes twice as much meat as the United States
24 Apr, 2012
Janet Larsen at the Earth Policy Institute has an extremely informative post on meat consumption in China. Total meat consumption there has risen by a whopping 600% since 1980 and is now double the amount consumed in the US. Yet on a per-capita basis, Chinese…
R e a d M o r eNano-devices that cross blood-brain barrier
23 Apr, 2012
In my upcoming sci-fi novel Nexus , I write about a nano-device that can cross the blood-brain barrier and which has a very real impact on the mind. Not so far fetched… A team of scientists from Johns Hopkins and elsewhere have developed nano-devices that successfully cross…
R e a d M o r e