President’s Proposed NSA Reforms are Insufficient

Ramez Naam

17 Jan, 2014

Today President Obama announced a set of proposed reforms to the NSA. They are woefully insufficient. Congress and the courts need to act. Here’s a storify of my tweets on the topic. [<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “What’s Missing from Obama’s NSA Reforms” on Storify</a>]

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Nexus and Crux: A Double Kindle Daily Deal

Ramez Naam

4 Jan, 2014

My sci-fi thrillers Nexus and Crux are BOTH Kindle Daily Deals today, marked down to just $1.99 each. These are books that have been praised by NPR, Wired, the Wall Street Journal, BoingBoing, Ars Technica, Charlie Stross, Alastair Reynolds, Cory Doctorow, and many many more.…

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