Decoupling Growth From Energy and Carbon

Ramez Naam

14 Nov, 2013

Is it possible to grow an economy without increasing pollution? Without increasing resource use? As I've posted, Americans already use less oil and less water than in previous decades. Here's a more macro-scale view – US per-capita GDP over the last 40 years (up to…

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The Ozone Layer Success Story

Ramez Naam

14 Nov, 2013

The most powerful success story I know of in global environmentalism is the ozone layer.  It took the signing of an international agreement over the fierce objections of industry and paid skeptics but we dramatically reduced emissions of CFCs, the coolant chemicals that were destroying the ozone layer.…

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Life Satisfaction and Income

Ramez Naam

14 Nov, 2013

There’s a persistant meme that greater income has no impact on happiness. I see this brought up most frequently in conversations about international development – should we really view economic development in China or India as a positive thing?  Will it really lead to greater…

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